11 October 2011

A Foot Soldier's Adieu - OR - The Last Post.

It's been great - trying to 'save' the planet, but now my humble endeavours have reached an end.

The Weinberg Foundation takes the fight to a higher plane and I really can't believe that a function of trying to enlighten the general public can achieve any worthwhile objective. I've never known the promise of a technology take root in the public's imagination and become a force to be reckoned with. Our politicians need a piece of working gear to intrude into their 'electorate-centred' consciousness, before they'll respond. So, a UK built, first-of-a-kind LFTR, has to be the Foundation's primary objective. 

I'll leave the Blog in place for a while, as there might be some useful archived material, but from now on it's keeping as fit as I can and sequence and ballroom dancing into the sunset.