"...How long does a wind turbine last? The design life of a good quality modern wind turbine is 20 years. Depending on how windy and turbulent the site is, the turbine could last for 25 years or even longer, though as with anything mechanical, the maintenance costs will increase as it gets older..."
9,508,850 Homes x 25 Years = 237,721,250 Total
Homes Powered Equivalent (p.a.) - Calculated using the most recent statistics from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) showing that annual UK average domestic household consumption is 3,994 kWh.
Homes Powered Equivalent (p.a.) -
Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant = 6,406,500
6,406,500 Homes x 60 Years = 379,000,500 Total
Hinkley Power Total ÷ Wind Power Total = 1.59
Total UK Wind Farm Capacity Needed to Deliver as much electricity to UK Households is:
1.59 x 14,261.275 MW = 22,675.427 MW
The UK needs to build another 8,414.152 MW of Wind Turbine Capacity [that's another 4,150 wind turbines]
to deliver the same [intermittent] power as Hinkley's [24/7] power.
11,184 Wind Turbines = 1 Hinkley Point C
But - Will that target be reached before Hinkley starts to deliver?
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