99.99% of humanity do not give a You-Know-What where their electricity comes from as long as it's there on demand.
It's pointless trying to argue the case for nuclear power on the basis of preventing pollution and premature deaths:
Macabre Indifference Rules:
A Gruesome and Horrifying Lack of Concern.
To be used when the Anti-Nukes trot out their
Fukushima/Chernobyl deaths hyperbole !
Macabre Indifference Rules:
A Gruesome and Horrifying Lack of Concern.
To be used when the Anti-Nukes trot out their
Fukushima/Chernobyl deaths hyperbole !

Electricity Net Generation from Coal August 2007 - 190.135 TWh
Coal Consumed by the Electric Power Sector August 2007 - 89,889,307 tonnes
Nuclear Electricity Production 1970 to 2015
Coal Consumed by the Electric Power Sector Monthly Interactive Values for 2005
Air pollution and early deaths in the United States. Part I